The keyshot tutorial is collabrated with Instart education



Basic principles of lighting

Pin light VS area light
It is of great importance to understand the very foundamental principles
of creating a lighting enviorment.

it could be soft or low contrast lightening which usually represents the physical world, either it could be dramatic light which manually set up in the studio to hightlight the object or create high contrast shadows from background from which help us to distinguish the shpae of the object quickly.

Pin light, or a small size light tends to create sharp shadows (see left)
Area light, or large size light like the sum creates soft shadows (see right)


Aside from making the appreance stand out from background
The use of right light source with right angle can reflect the material texture realistically

For instance, the left and right figures below are set under the same lightening environment with different angles to the object, sponge

On the left picture, the light source is placed vertically, or ahead of the object
Therefore it gives the same brightness to the bump and valley locations to the sponge
which makes people hard to tell the rugged surface texture

However if we change the angle of the light to the right up hand direction
the valley features on top surface will not reflect the light thus is black
While the peak features on the top surface will reflect the light as normal so is blue


When we viewing photographs
The gradient background always catches people’s eyes
It also creates the depth of the field which builds up the perception of the space
and makes people much more easy to sense to location, as well as the size of the object
