University Souvenir: A Commemorative Keychain

University of Nottingham China campus (UNNC) is a small and caring community
I wish students can have this feeling once they see this souvenir
Raise up the sweet memory of the campus
UNNC is always here with you

UNNC, Oct — Nov, 2017



Supervisor:Zhanling Feng
Collaboration: UNNC Incubator

#Package design
#Product design
#Commercial design


Research —


Design souvenir products ready for manufacture and as high-end souvenir for outside visitors.
Importantly, the design should convey a strong meaning which represents the campus…


Brainstorm —


Prototype —


Scenario —


Package design —


Summary —

The souvenir design project starts with the attempt to re-create the university symbol and further develop it into a commercial start-up. Based on market research, the final design is narrowed down to the university badge with the function of a key holder. It could be a useful tool for college students with their needs to carry around certain numbers of keys as the daily carry. Aside from the functional part, the memorable meaning under this item is also a unique selling point. Castle is the symbol of protection, so it naturally connects to the item key which requires a sense of protection.

'Once a UNNCer, always be part of UNNC.' This is a metaphor behind this design. As you bring the separable part of the key holder when you go out and connect it back to fill up the university badge when you back, the portable part could be recognized as the symbol of the university. Everywhere you go, UNNC is on your side to support you to dream for a brighter future.

This project is currently under the funding of the marketing department to be manufactured and promoted.